Average Test Runtime
35483 ms
Time taken to run the test.
Can be helpful to measure Time To Interactive of your app, if the test is checking app start for instance.
Average FPS
53.1 FPS
Frame Per Second. Your app should display 60 Frames Per Second to give an impression of fluidity. This number should be close to 60, otherwise it will seem laggy.
See this video for more details
Average CPU usage
212.6 %
An app might run at 60FPS but might be using too much processing power, so it's important to check CPU usage.
Depending on the device, this value can go up to 100% x number of cores. For instance, a Samsung A10s has 4 cores, so the max value would be 400%.
High CPU Usage
22.9 s

Impacted threads:

- martnsoft.metro for 5.5s

- RenderThread for 4.1s

- mqt_js for 2.6s

- mqt_native_modu for 1.2s

- AdWorker(Defaul for 1s

- Binder:6951_2 for 1s

- Binder:9566_2 for 0.8s

- Chrome_IOThread for 0.7s

- Binder:8260_1 for 0.6s

- Jit for 0.4s

- Binder:8260_4 for 0.4s

- Binder:14072_4 for 0.4s

- Binder:9566_5 for 0.3s

- Binder:10934_5 for 0.3s

- Binder:11867_4 for 0.3s

- HeapTaskDaemon for 0.3s

- Binder:14952_3 for 0.3s

- Binder:5316_1 for 0.2s

- Binder:6162_5 for 0.2s

- Binder:6951_5 for 0.2s

- Binder:11867_5 for 0.2s

- Binder:13178_3 for 0.2s

- Binder:14952_4 for 0.2s

- Binder:6162_6 for 0.2s

- Profile for 0.2s

- Binder:8260_3 for 0.2s

- Binder:11867_3 for 0.2s

- Binder:13178_4 for 0.2s

- Binder:14072_3 for 0.2s

- NetworkService for 0.1s

- Chrome_InProcGp for 0.1s

- Binder:6162_4 for 0.1s

- Binder:13178_2 for 0.1s

- Binder:13178_1 for 0.1s

- create_react_co for 0.1s

- Binder:5316_2 for 0.1s

- ThreadPoolForeg for 0.1s

- Binder:5316_4 for 0.1s

- Binder:6951_3 for 0.1s

- Binder:9566_4 for 0.1s

- Binder:9566_3 for 0.1s

- Binder:10934_1 for 0.1s

- Binder:10934_4 for 0.1s

- ExoPlayerImplIn for 0.1s

- Binder:14952_2 for 0.1s

High CPU usage by a single process can cause app unresponsiveness, even with low overall CPU usage. For instance, an overworked JS thread in a React Native app may lead to unresponsiveness despite maintaining 60 FPS.
Average RAM usage
203.5 MB
If an app consumes a large amount of RAM (random-access memory), it can impact the overall performance of the device and drain the battery more quickly.
It’s worth noting that results might be higher than expected since we measure RSS and not PSS (See here for more details)
FLASH-list ⚡️
Average Test Runtime
29318 ms
Time taken to run the test.
Can be helpful to measure Time To Interactive of your app, if the test is checking app start for instance.
Average FPS
56.5 FPS
Frame Per Second. Your app should display 60 Frames Per Second to give an impression of fluidity. This number should be close to 60, otherwise it will seem laggy.
See this video for more details
Average CPU usage
137.2 %
An app might run at 60FPS but might be using too much processing power, so it's important to check CPU usage.
Depending on the device, this value can go up to 100% x number of cores. For instance, a Samsung A10s has 4 cores, so the max value would be 400%.
High CPU Usage
4.8 s

Impacted threads:

- martnsoft.metro for 1.2s

- mqt_js for 0.9s

- RenderThread for 0.5s

- Binder:6411_2 for 0.2s

- Binder:14507_4 for 0.2s

- Binder:12877_3 for 0.2s

- Binder:14507_3 for 0.2s

- mqt_native_modu for 0.1s

- Binder:7970_4 for 0.1s

- Binder:8780_4 for 0.1s

- Binder:8780_1 for 0.1s

- Binder:11202_4 for 0.1s

- Jit for 0.1s

- Binder:12062_3 for 0.1s

- Binder:12062_6 for 0.1s

- Binder:13705_4 for 0.1s

- Binder:6411_4 for 0.1s

- l1.p.tf1.fr/... for 0.1s

- Chrome_InProcGp for 0.1s

- Binder:6411_6 for 0.1s

- Binder:7970_2 for 0.1s

- Binder:9635_3 for 0.1s

- Binder:9635_5 for 0.1s

- Binder:10426_4 for 0.1s

- Binder:10426_1 for 0.1s

- Binder:10426_5 for 0.1s

- Binder:11202_3 for 0.1s

- Binder:11202_5 for 0.1s

- Binder:12062_4 for 0.1s

High CPU usage by a single process can cause app unresponsiveness, even with low overall CPU usage. For instance, an overworked JS thread in a React Native app may lead to unresponsiveness despite maintaining 60 FPS.
Average RAM usage
169 MB
If an app consumes a large amount of RAM (random-access memory), it can impact the overall performance of the device and drain the battery more quickly.
It’s worth noting that results might be higher than expected since we measure RSS and not PSS (See here for more details)
FLASH-list ⚡️
004800480096009600144001440019200192002400024000Frame rate (FPS)6060545448484242363630302424181812126600
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FLASH-list ⚡️
004800480096009600144001440019200192002400024000Total CPU Usage (%)425.1425.1382.6382.6340.1340.1297.6297.6255.1255.1212.6212.6170.0170.0127.5127.585.085.042.542.50.00.0
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(mqt_js) (Flatlist)
(mqt_js) (FLASH-list ⚡️)
004800480096009600144001440019200192002400024000CPU Usage per thread (%)100.0100.
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FLASH-list ⚡️
004800480096009600144001440019200192002400024000RAM Usage (MB)229229206206183183160160137137115115929269694646232300
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Showing average of 10 test iterations